Totally Biased Fan Reviews – Melissa Robertson – My Beautiful World (Take2)

melrobI did a review on this album a while ago, but when Facebook changed, it all got lost in the process, so I am going to do a re-review now!

Mel is one of many talented Australian Country Music Artists who are Indies, and while they are not signed to big labels, have the marketing and promotion of the big artists, they are just as talented (sometimes more so) and they have done the hard yards.

This album is a mixture of traditional country sounds and folk music. Melissa has a soft and tender voice, much like the folk singers of the sixties.

Mel and I are both big fans of 60’s folk, and it is obvious when it comes to her voice and her selections. Most people know my catch phrase now with mellow albums: It goes great with a merlot! But it does, trust me. The songs are all reminiscent of that era, or have elements of that time. Her voice is a cross between Joan Baez and Judy Collins, and because they are two of my heroes, that is a big compliment. Folk and country are closely connected. Mel proves that here.

It is lazy Sunday arvo music. Late night Saturday night music. There is a simple sadness (as James Taylor once wrote) in her songs, yet when you meet Mel in person, she is a down to earth, slap your back, hey, how ya goin’ type of gal. She has a good ear for a good song and she works hard at it. She is setting a different trend in country music, could easily fit in with the Lyn Bowtells and Liana Roses and Kaylee Bells.

This is a lovely, easy listen to album. Watch out for Mel, she is not mainstream, but sometimes the tributaries do it better.

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